Chlor Alkali Anode & Equipment's f

Dimensionally Stable Anode and Cathode (Titanium, Nickel & Steel)


Electro winning, also called electroextraction, is the electrode position of metals from their ores that have been put in solution via a process commonly referred to as leaching. Electro refining uses a similar process to remove impurities from a metal. Both processes use electroplating on a large scale and are important techniques for the economical and straightforward purification of non-ferrous metals. The resulting metals are said to be electron.

In electro winning, a current is passed from an inert anode through a liquid each solution containing the metal so that the metal is extracted as it is deposited in an electroplating process onto the cathode. In electro refining, the anodes consist of unrefined impure metal, and as the current passes through the acidic electrolyte the anodes are corroded into the solution so that the electroplating process deposits refined pure metal.




The most common electron metals are lead, copper, gold, zinc, aluminum, chromium, manganese, and alkali metals. For aluminum, this is the only production process employed. Several industrially important active metals (which react strongly with water) are produced commercially by electrolysis of their pyro chemical molten salts. Experiments using electro refining to process spent nuclear fuel have been carried out. Electro refining may be able to separate heavy metals such as plutoniumcesium, and strontium from the less-toxic bulk of uranium. Many electroextraction systems are also available to remove toxic.



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 Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt. Ltd.

No. 48, Noothanchary, Madambakkam,

Chennai - 600 126, I N D I A.

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