An electrolytic cell is provided for producing a sodium hypochlorite solution with active chlorine from brine. A plurality of the cells are typically employed with provision for cooling the electrolyte. The cell comprises a cylindrical metallic cathode with a smaller cylindrical metallic anode disposed within the cathode to define an annular passage through which the electrolyte passes. In preferred embodiments, the annular passage can contain particulate material such as carbon to enhance surface contact, and an anionic membrane can be provided between the anode and cathode to divide the annular passage into two chambers.
According to the present invention, sodium hypochlorite with active chlorine ions in aqueous solution is produced from brine using an electrolytic cell having cylindrical metallic electrodes that can include a fixed bed of minute particulate matter to increase the surface area of the electrodes.
The electrolytic cell of the present invention comprises a hollow metallic cylindrical cathode and a metallic cylindrical anode disposed coaxially within the cathode to define an annular passage there between. The passage may contain particulate carbon having, for example, an average diameter of about 1000 micrometers.
The electrolytic cell of the invention can also include a cylindrical membrane disposed within the annular passage to divide it into Anodic and Cathodic chambers.
The method for using an electrolytic cell of the present invention includes passing a solution through the annular passages provided between the hollow cylindrical cathode and a hollow cylindrical anode disposed coaxially within the cathode and applying a voltage to the cell to electrolytically produce a hypochlorite solution. A plurality of electrolytic cells can be employed sequentially in accordance with the invention. Heat exchangers can be positioned in series between the electrolytic cells to control the temperature of solution passing between the cells. The cooling system can include an external heat exchange system, double for divided cell and single for undivided cell.
Both the foregoing general description and the following detailed description contain examples of the invention and do not, by themselves, restrict the scope of the appended claims.
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