Recoating / Refurbishment of Anodes:
Our in depth, hands-on knowledge of anode recoating & well-equipped in plant infrastructures can help customers prolong the life of expensive anode structures through repair & recoating, rather than replacement.
It leads double the life of your Anodes with half of the cost. Almost all anodes can be refurbished to new specifications; they’re used in any electro chemistry. Refurbishment includes recoating of MMO, re - platinizing, rebuilding the standoff and / or replacement, depending on the condition of the anode.
please feel free to contact us or visit our webpage
Will share our credentials (client list, performance certificate, etc.) based on email request.
Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt. Ltd.
No. 48, Noothanchary, Madambakkam,
Chennai - 600 126, I N D I A.
Email: Web: