Chlor Alkali Anode & Equipment's f

Dimensionally Stable Anode and Cathode (Titanium, Nickel & Steel)




Tiaano’s coating systems are based on a range of nano-structured multi-layers of metal oxides, they includes Ruthenium, Iridium, Platinum, Palladium, Titanium, Tantalum; offer increased performance over conventional materials by maximising catalytic phases and surface area interactions. By adding doping agents to the catalysts, we are able to make them more selective and further improve performance.


The developed High Density coating technology allows for very thin layers to be deposited increasing cost effectiveness. The Mixed Metal Oxide Coated substrate will undergo multiple thermal treatments at elevated temperatures. This process will achieve very good bonding properties between the mixed metal oxides coating and the substrates.


General Cell Maintenance


All cells require cleaning. This must be carried out before the calcium build-up within the cell housing becomes one big block 6-8 months gap). Left for too long it will do two things.

Break the cell housing.

Shorten the cell life.

Using a diluted solution of hydrochloric acid and water can do cleaning. The dilution of acid to water should be 1 (one) part acid and 8 (eight) parts water, mixed in a separate container, then poured into cell cleaning container. The cell cleaning process can take between 15 minutes and a few hours, depending on how much scale is on the cell. The cell must be completely free of any scale and rinsed in clean water by Jet (high pressure). On average, the cell will need to be cleaned every four weeks.

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Will share our credentials (client list, performance certificate, etc.) based on email request.

Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt. Ltd.

No. 48, Noothanchary, Madambakkam,

Chennai - 600 126, I N D I A.

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