Ti Anode Fabricator Pvt. Ltd located in Chennai - India has established over 25 years ago, Tiaano design & Fabrication of Different types of MMO COATED EARTHING ELECTRODES. Most of the Earthing Electrode substrate (Base material)is Titanium. There is a MMO (Mixed Metal Oxide) coating over the Titanium, which will be called as MMO coated Earthing Electrode and used for Chlor Alkali Plant. These MMO Coated Earthing Electrodes have been supplied as large quantity to many of our customers.
Please feel free to contact us chloralkali@tiaano.com
Will share our credentials (client list, performance certificate, etc.) based on email request.
Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt. Ltd.
No. 48, Noothanchary, Madambakkam,
Chennai - 600 126, I N D I A.
Email: chloralkali@tiaano.com webpage: www.tiaano.com