Electrodes Disc Anodes are manufactured using titanium which meets ASTM B265 Grade 1/2 standards.
TIAANO® (Innovation In Inert Metals) Electrodes’ Mixed Metal Oxide and Platinised coatings are electrically conductive which activates the titanium allowing it to function as an anode.
TIAANO® (Innovation In Inert Metals) Electrodes Mixed Metal Oxide and Platinised Anodes have an extremely low consumption rate, therefore, the titanium substrate remains nearly constant throughout the design life of the anode. This provides a consistently low resistance anode.

Please feel free to contact us chloralkali@tiaano.com
Will share our credentials (client list, performance certificate, etc.) based on email request.
Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt. Ltd.
No. 48, Noothanchary, Madambakkam,
Chennai - 600 126, I N D I A.
Email: chloralkali@tiaano.com webpage: www.tiaano.com