Chlor Alkali Anode & Equipment's f

Dimensionally Stable Anode and Cathode (Titanium, Nickel & Steel)


We design, manufacture, maintain & repair the cell, Anodes & Cathodes for …….


  • Mercury
  • Membrane
  • Modular
  • Diaphragms &
  • Tank Electrolyzers.


Electrochemical engineering is one of the basic keys for many of the product and processes utilized by today’s industrial economies. Electrode technology is one of the important tools among the available tools in the electrochemistry. We are the world’s leading supplier of dimensionally stable titanium anodes, and other related equipments to caustic, chlorine & chlorate industries using Mercury, Diaphragm, Membrane, Modular and Tank Electrolyzer cell technology.


Our Technical and Manufacturing base:

Our online experience, scientific technology, manufacturing operation, and customer technical service function to help users improve their Chlor-alkali processes. A full range of service and technical support programs is available on the ground of Diagnostic tools and programs; that can lower operating costs by predicting residual coating life on working structures. On-site analysis allows the user to establish a refurbishment schedule, which minimizes disturbances and maximizes anode life. If problems occur, our technical auditing team can conduct the further study on such anodes either at our plant or R&D center.


Electrodes and catalyst coatings:

We offer an extensive range of anode and cathode models with various types of catalyst coatings suited to a host of electrochemical processes.

The dimensionally stable anode substrate is titanium and the cathode substrate is normal mild steel, ultra-low carbon steel or nickel.


please feel free to contact us or visit our webpage

Will share our credentials (client list, performance certificate, etc.) based on email request.


 Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt. Ltd.

No. 48, Noothanchary, Madambakkam,

Chennai - 600 126, I N D I A.

Email:  Web:



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