Anode and Cathode Coating:
The key components of all electrochemical processes are the electrodes and, in some cases, the separators. The last century has seen many developments in both for the electrode materials and ion permeable membranes and allows successful implementation of many novel concepts. Where optimum performance of electrode material is needed, electrodes made from noble metals or noble metal oxides are the components of choice. The common features of the materials of electrodes are
a) The use of the platinum group and there oxides as coatings on
inert substances.
b) The minimization of platinum metal loading.
c) Minimization of inter electrode gaps and having high energy efficiency by
abrication of membrane or the electrodes.
d) To increase electrode stability by the use of platinum group metal alloys
that also helps to minimize over potentials.
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Ti Anode Fabricators Pvt. Ltd.
No. 48, Noothanchary, Madambakkam,
Chennai - 600 126, I N D I A.